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Basics of Machinery Mechanics

Basics of Machinery Mechanics

Systemized Summary how Machines perform mechanical movements and transform energy, materials or information
Closed for application


The micro-module provides the student with structured information on the general principles of the generation and transmission of motion in machines, i.e. how motion is generated, how and by what means it is transmitted within the machine, and how the required parameters of motion are obtained.

The Team

Profile photo
Kestutis Pilkauskas
0 learners
Study format
Application period
23 December 2024 – 23 February 2025
Study period
17 March – 18 April 2025
Hosting university
Kaunas University of Technology
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Basic gear mechanisms

To determine the basic functional properties of gear mechanisms.


Functional properties of mechanisms

To characterise functional properties of linkages, gear and cam mechanisms in machines and devices and represent their structure schematically by kinematical symbols.


Machines for solution of engineering problems

To discuss feasibility of the application of mechanisms with certain properties for solution of engineering problems.


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What all machines have in common is that they all perform mechanical movements. The micro-module is intended to develop an understanding of the basic structure of mechanical parts of machines, i.e. how motion is obtained in machines. If we are concerned about mobility, or the system that allows motion, we see the core component in it – a machine that performs mechanical motion. The micro-module presents an overview of the main types of mechanisms used in machinery, their kinematical and load capacity properties. Special focus is made on gear mechanisms developing abilities to calculate the necessary power to get the desired motion under loads caused by it, select the mechanism structure, to analyze motion parameters.

Hosting university

Kaunas University of Technology

Kaunas University of Technology