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Intercultural Teamwork

Intercultural Teamwork



The international mobility of people is an ongoing and expanding process. We increasingly encounter foreigners in our daily lives and at work. This module will cover the features of intercultural and virtual teamwork, phases of teamwork, cultural differences, and decision-making. It will help you improve your global citizenship and interpersonal competencies, making you more competitive in the labour market while working in teams with people from different cultures.

The Team

Vilmantė Kumpikaitė - Valiūnienė
3 learners
Study format
Application period
4 September – 1 October 2024
Study period
15 October – 25 November 2024
Hosting university
Kaunas University of Technology
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Practical skills in intercultural teamwork

Student will be able to apply practical skills related to principles of intercultural and virtual teamwork.


Knowledge integration

Student will be able to integrate knowledge on team-working phases and the intercultural differences that influence collaborative decision-making.


Potential progress

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Have you ever found yourself wondering why working with other people sometimes is challenging? This is because we are different, especially if we are from different cultures, each with its own traditions, clothing, habits, and language. In 2023, there were approximately 3.4 billion global employees, compared to 2.28 billion employees in 1991 - an increase of more than 1 billion people in 22 years. Therefore, intercultural communication and work in intercultural teams have become essential skills to be acquired due to globalisation and spreading internationalisation. Developing these skills becomes an advantage for a more successful start of a professional career.

In the micro-module “Intercultural Teamwork” we uncover the features of working together in teams with people from different cultures. Everyone interested in teamwork and cultural differences is invited to join this course. You do not need to have any specific skills to participate.

At the end of the micro-module: 1) You will become acquainted with team-working phases and the intercultural differences that influence collaborative decision-making. 2) You will gain practical skills related to the principles of intercultural and virtual teamwork.

Are you ready to start this learning journey?

Hosting university

Kaunas University of Technology

Kaunas University of Technology