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Topics in Innovative and Disruptive Technologies

Topics in Innovative and Disruptive Technologies

CA3108: Discover and Engage with the Future of Computing: Innovative and Disruptive Technologies Unveiled

Our challenge

Welcome to Topics in Innovative and Disruptive Technologies! This challenge is designed to introduce you to the cutting-edge technologies shaping the computing landscape. Through engaging seminars led by expert lecturers and researchers from Dublin City University's School of Computing and beyond, you will gain valuable insights into the latest developments in the field. This module encourages active participation and offers a diverse range of innovative teaching approaches and activities. Throughout the semester, you will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge you've acquired in various formats, fostering a deeper understanding of these groundbreaking technologies. Topics in Innovative and Disruptive Technologies is the perfect opportunity for students eager to explore the world of computing from a fresh perspective. Join us in this immersive learning experience and be part of the next generation of tech-savvy professionals, equipped to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

The Team

Liang Xu
16 learners
Study format
Application period
6 November – 16 November 2023
Study period
11 September – 2 December 2023
Hosting university
Dublin City University
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Learning Outcome 1

Explain innovative technologies being researched in the university and industry.


Learning Outcome 2

Produce an output in a group the shows understanding of innovative and disruptive technologies.


Learning Outcome 3

Evaluate the societal, personal and psychological impacts of innovative and disruptive technologies.


Learning Outcome 4

Analyse the potential impact of innovative and disruptive technologies.


Learning Outcome 5

Develop an artefact that demonstrates an understanding of innovative and disruptive technologies.


Learning Outcome 6

Demonstrate an understanding of the technical aspect of innovative technologies being researched in the university and industry.


Learning Outcome 7

Evaluate the different types of collaborative situations and the role of technology in facilitating effective cooperation.


Potential progress

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5 or more
Goal based on on your motivation scan

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The Challenge

Embark on an exciting learning journey, where we explore innovative and disruptive technologies, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Challenge Based Learning (CBL). This unique learning experience will equip you with valuable knowledge and skills, enabling you to make a difference in today's fast-paced world.

Innovative and disruptive technologies are transforming industries and societies in unprecedented ways. Throughout this module, we will examine various technologies with the potential to disrupt and innovate, understanding that predicting their impact is not always straightforward.

The United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals encompass a wide range of critical issues, from climate action to poverty reduction. By studying these goals, you will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges our world faces and identify the specific goal you want to focus on during this module.

Challenge Based Learning is a powerful educational framework that encourages learning through problem-solving and real-world applications. As you navigate through this module, you will be guided in the CBL process, selecting your topic and area of focus. Previous students have found this approach to be engaging and rewarding, as it allows them to tailor their learning experience to their interests. The assessment includes an assignment, digital project, development of an artefact and oral examination. 

Don't worry if some of these topics are new to you - this module is designed to be a transformative learning experience. You will be supported every step of the way, and you might just discover something new and inspiring.

To learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals, visit: For further information on Challenge Based Learning (Team work), check out:

Join us in this journey to gain new insights, develop critical skills, and make a positive impact on the world!

Hosting university

Dublin City University

Dublin City University