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Telecommunications Services With Net-Zero Emissions

Telecommunications Services With Net-Zero Emissions

How can we transform the ICT business and services to achieve net-zero emissions?
Closed for application

Our challenge

Although the ICT sector itself contributes around 2 to 2.5 percent of global GHG emissions, it is recognized worldwide for consuming large amounts of electricity and energy mostly due to the operations of data centers and base stations. There are also other issues related to the extensive use of equipment for networks, CPE equipment, and a large number of electronic devices. Electricity, energy production and usage, equipment and electronic device manufacturing, as well as service provision, emit a huge amount of GHGs, which cause climate change. Although emissions related to the extraction of resources, production, and transportation of purchased equipment are not directly associated with Telia activities, they are counted as indirect emissions of the Telia. Currently, the largest portion of Telia emissions consists of indirect emissions. In 2023, such emissions accounted for a staggering 97%. The largest portion of indirect emissions from the company is comprised of mobile phones and other CPE equipment for clients, as well as network equipment, along with all associated construction and maintenance work. Despite the organization's efforts to renew customer CPE equipment, accept old equipment from customers, and solely use electricity from renewable sources, as well as implementing various other solutions, achieving a net-zero target throughout the value chain remains a significant challenge. It's widely acknowledged that without collaboration with stakeholders, reducing value chain emissions is unattainable, and such decisions are crucially linked with service innovations. What future telecommunication services would require what type of equipment or not? What would future client expectations be? This is the ultimate goal we are trying to project. What net-zero solutions could be suggested? Please be brave and project vividly, and be part of a huge and powerful transformation where all the world's businesses are focusing on in the face of climate change.

Study format
Application period
15 June – 22 September 2024
Study period
3 October – 19 December 2024
Hosting university
Kaunas University of Technology
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Create and present ideas and prototypes

Create and effectively present innovative ideas and developed prototypes tailored to the requirements of unique audience.


Pinpoint research direction

Self-sufficiently pinpoint a unique and impactful research direction, utilizing existing knowledge and acquired competencies.


Tackle real-world issues

Innovatively tackle complex real-world issues using the core tenets of challenge-based learning methodology.


Utilise teamwork and leadership principles

Utilise effective teamwork and leadership principles while collaborating within diverse, interdisciplinary teams.


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We are a telecommunications leader in Lithuania, with accumulated experience, investing significant resources into new solutions, infrastructure development, and expansion to empower as many consumers as possible and create maximum added value for our customers. As early as 2019, we set ambitious environmental goals. Later, in 2023, we aimed to achieve net-zero targets by 2040. Achieving these goals is impossible without new business models, innovations, digitization, and a net-zero supply chain.

Only 5 years are left for the mid-term goal implementation: to reduce value chain emissions by half. We have to find new solutions or change our business in order to reach these goals. Use your bright thoughts, knowledge in technologies, IoT, and digitalization, and harness your potential for a better future for all of us and future generations.

Hosting university

Kaunas University of Technology

Kaunas University of Technology

Challenge provider

Telia Lithuania