The syllabus of the module. The module consists of 6 ECTS: total 160 hours, of which 16 hours of lectures, 16 hours of practical work, 32 hours of seminars, 96 hours of individual work.
After competing the module, a student will be able to analyse civil society and civic participation in public governance, with a strong focus on post-communist specificity, as well as civil society and public sector relations in different public governance contexts.
Indicate theoretical aspects of public governance and civil society, development tendencies that are relevant in national and international contexts
Conduct empirical research solving scientific and practical problems of civil society and public governance as well as promoting citizen inclusion into public governance and zero tolerance to corruption
Interpret public governance problems, analysing civil society and globalisation impact on public governance quality and applying innovative research methods for analysis and evaluation
Summarise information clearly and present data driven conclusions on civil society issues in public governance context
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The syllabus of the module. The module consists of 6 ECTS: total 160 hours, of which 16 hours of lectures, 16 hours of practical work, 32 hours of seminars, 96 hours of individual work.
The syllabus of the module. The module consists of 6 ECTS: total 160 hours, of which 16 hours of lectures, 16 hours of practical work, 32 hours of seminars, 96 hours of individual work.