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Image for learning opportunity Ditch it or pitch it - How to sell yourself and your project or idea WS24_25

Ditch it or pitch it - How to sell yourself and your project or idea WS24_25

Ditch it or pitch it - How to sell yourself and your project or idea WS24_25

How to become a confident, persuasive, and empathetic communicator.
Open for application


In the contemporary, quickly changing world one element seems constant – being a good communicator. However, most students, especially from technical universities, with technical interests tend to lack communication, in particular self-presentation skills. This micromodule will help learners acquire these essential, transversal skills and enhance their performance during oral exams, presentations but also during the process of applying for an internship, summer school, mobility semester or a job. Different tutoring techniques, e.g.: 5 W’s, Wheel of Life, will boost learners’ confidence, their responsibility for learning, empowerment, and well-being. Cooperation, cocreation, pitching, peer learning and peer assessment, providing constructive feedback will play a pivotal role in this micromodule. The micromodule addresses not only the requirements of labour market but also learners’ needs.

Study format
Application period
1 July – 15 October 2024
Study period
1 November 2024 – 28 February 2025
Hosting university
Lodz University of Technology
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Learning Outcome 2

Initiate and maintain longer academic, professional conversations (e. g. interviews)


Learning Outcome 3

Effectively communicate orally in formal and semi-formal academic, professional contexts.


Learning Outcome 4

Provide constructive feedback.


Learning Outcome 1

Successfully present one’s strengths and accomplishments.


Potential progress

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5 or more
Goal based on on your motivation scan

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How to sell yourself and pitch your project (idea) is a unique micromodule where learners do all the talking while the teamcher’s role is to facilitate the process. Learners are empowered to master their oral skills by using the language (English, minimum B2) in meaningful contexts. Learners develop essential competences to become more confident, convincing, and empathetic communicators able to ask follow-up and probing questions. The micromodule provides them with space to simulate various academic and professional situations, such as: interviews, surveys, presentations, pitches. 

On successful completion of the micromodule, learners will become confident speakers and team members who can express themselves very well with good understanding of their interlocutors’ needs. Being a good communicator will help them succeed both in their professional and personal life. 

Learning Environment – MS Teams and/or Moodle

Hosting university

Lodz University of Technology

Lodz University of Technology