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Art-based Research Methods in Intercultural Competence and Multilingualism

Art-based Research Methods in Intercultural Competence and Multilingualism

Exploring, analyzing, and using various research methods
Closed for application


Intercultural skills have been recognized as the top-valued skills for not only employers in various industries but for education from the earliest age. Multilingualism goes hand in hand with intercultural competencies, and is already a stated goal for EU-education and a need in increasingly diverse working and living contexts. Therefore, the aim of the course is to explore and critically evaluate the key issues in research on intercultural competence and multilingualism, especially from the standpoint of teacher education and foreign language teaching.

The Team

Profile photo
Nina Lazarevic
Profile photo
Nadine Kolb
8 learners
Study format
Application period
4 November 2024 – 14 February 2025
Study period
12 May – 2 June 2025
Hosting university
University of Stavanger
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes


By the end of the course, students will have expert knowledge of the scholarly theories within and specialized insights into intercultural competence (ICC) and multilingualism, e.g. approaches and methods in the study of multilingualism; central aspects of individual and/or societal multilingualism. They will be able to evaluate the feasibility and application of different methods and processes in research and scholarly projects related to ICC and multilingualism, e.g. evaluate differences in application and appropriateness of the techniques for different contexts. They can contribute to the development of new knowledge, methods, and interpretations related to the fields of ICC and multilingualism, e.g. design and analyse different art-based data elicitation techniques.



By the end of the course, the students can analyze and deal critically with various sources of information, and analyze existing theories, methods and interpretations in the field of ICC and multilingualism and work independently on practical and theoretical problems. They can formulate problems, plan and carry out research and scholarly development work, and handle complex academic issues and critically evaluate established knowledge and practice in the field of ICC and multilingualism.


General competences

By the end of the course, students can: analyze relevant academic, professional and research ethical problems; apply their knowledge and skills in new areas in order to carry out research with scholarly integrity; communicate extensive independent work and master language and terminology of the academic field; manage complex interdisciplinary assignments and projects; participate in debates in the field of ICC and multilingualism in international forums


Potential progress

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Intercultural skills have been recognized as the top-valued skills for not only employers in various industries but for education from the earliest age. Multilingualism goes hand in hand with intercultural competencies, and is already a stated goal for EU-education and a need in increasingly diverse working and living contexts. Therefore, the aim of the course is to explore and critically evaluate the key issues in research on intercultural competence and multilingualism, especially from the standpoint of teacher education and foreign language teaching.

Hosting university

University of Stavanger

University of Stavanger