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Academic Writing for Doctoral Students

Academic Writing for Doctoral Students

Online asynchronous course for doctoral students
Only 7 seats left!

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This online asynchronous course aims to develop academic writing skills of doctoral students who are currently completing a research writing project, e.g., an academic article or monograph, in English for an international audience. This course offers intensive instruction in the conventions of research writing, including argumentation, style, structure, readability, and academic integrity, as well as the use of AI-based tools to support writing. As a multidisciplinary course, students will also learn to evaluate their own writing situation according to their discipline-specific audience, topic, purpose, writer, and context. There is opportunity for the students to engage with course material interactively in online writing group meetings and/or in a Moodle forum.

The Team

Profile photo
Christine Horton
8 learners
Study format
Application period
24 November 2024 – 12 January 2025
Study period
6 January – 23 February 2025
Hosting university
Tampere University
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Communicating arguments

On completion of the course the student will be able to communicate their own argument using formal academic style


Structuring academic text

On completion of the course, the student will be able to structure and organize academic articles and monographs


Academic publication process

On completion of the course, the student will be able to understand the article publication process, including evaluating journal requirements, selecting a journal, preparing a manuscript for publication, and responding to reviewers


Using AI in academic publishing

On completion of the course, the student will be able to understand how to use online tools, including AI-based tools


Giving and receiving peer feedback

On completion of the course, the student will be able to give and receive peer feedback on scholarly texts in an interactive online writing group meeting and/or Moodle forum


Potential progress

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This course is meant for doctoral students only currently completing a research writing project, e.g., an academic article or monograph.

The content of the course:

· The writing process

· Rhetorical conventions of research writing, including argumentation, style, structure, readability, and academic integrity

· Online writing tools, including AI-based tools

· Journal selection and the peer review process

On completion of the course, successful students will be able to:

· communicate their own argument using formal academic style;

· structure and organize academic articles and monographs;

· understand the article publication process, including evaluating journal requirements, selecting a journal, preparing a manuscript for publication, and responding to reviewers;

· understand how to use online tools, including AI-based tools; and

· give and receive peer feedback on scholarly texts in an interactive online writing group meeting and/or Moodle forum.

Hosting university

Tampere University

Tampere University