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Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Ethical questions about technology and AI


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere and in many different forms, intelligent assistance in mobile phones and self-driving vehicles being some examples. An increased reliance on advanced AI systems for vital societal functions gives rise to ethical questions regarding usage and management. And, the more sophisticated such systems get, the more relevant the question of their moral status becomes. Which sort of agents are artificial systems? Can they be considered moral agents and can they be ascribed moral responsibility? The course focuses on three main areas of moral relevance for autonomous systems and AI: responsibility for decisions made by artificial agents, bias/discrimination as a result of AI use, and the importance of participation in the development of AI systems. During this course, students are provided theoretical tools for reflection on the development of AI, requirements that ought to be made regarding this technology and how it ought to be managed in society.

The Team

Lars Lindblom
24 learners
Study format
Application period
1 September – 8 October 2023
Study period
23 October 2023 – 19 January 2024
7.5 ECTS
Hosting university
Linkoping University
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Theoretical knowledge

Having completed course, the student should at a basic level be able to provide an account for concepts, theories and problem within applied ethics and the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI).



Having completed course, the student should at a basic level be able to develop a theoretically informed argumentation in specific problem areas related to AI.


Understanding political implications

Having completed course, the student should at a basic level be able to formulate theory-based political recommendations and assessments regarding a moral issue related to AI in a particular professional area.


Critical thinking

Having completed course, the student should at a basic level be able to express an open and critical stance to claims and arguments.


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The course deals with ethical questions that rise from the development of more and more sophisticated autonomous systems, questions of what requirements that should hold for the technology and why included, which sort of agents artificial systems are, if these can be considered moral agents and if they can be ascribed moral responsibility as well as where the main responsibility for artificial intelligence (AI) ought to be placed and why. The course focuses three main areas of moral relevance for autonomous systems and AI: responsibility for decisions made by artificial agents, bias/discrimination as a result of AI use and the importance of participation in the development of AI systems. During this course, students are provided theoretical tools for reflection on the development of AI, requirements that ought to made regarding this technology and how it ought to be managed in society.

Hosting university

Linkoping University

Linkoping University