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Philosophical Frameworks for Business Ethics

Philosophical Frameworks for Business Ethics

Identify the role that business ethics plays within a working environment with Dublin City University.


ELO Descriptor (Introduction) This informative course will take you through the main themes and concepts of ethics within a business context. You’ll be introduced to ethics and explore its definition. Later you will learn about the philosophers whose ideas influenced different ways of thinking about ethics in business, such as Aristotle, Bentham and Kant. You’ll explore the main ethical theories and how they can be applied to businesses and organisations.

Study format
Application period
13 May – 16 August 2024
Study period
20 May – 30 August 2024
Volume of learning

4 Hours

No ECTS will be awarded

Hosting university
Dublin City University
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes


By the end of the course, you will be able to define ethics



By the end of the course, you will be able to describe the main ethical theories applicable to business


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  • In this course, we will go through the basics of business ethics.

  • We will focus on how this discipline relates to our everyday life and choices, and on the philosophical foundations of this discipline.

  • We will develop a solid definition of ethics.

  • Upon completion of this course, you will be able to  define what “responsibility” means in the business context.

  • Identify the main misbehaviours in the context of business

Hosting university

Dublin City University

Dublin City University