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Image for learning opportunity Climate change and migratory movements.

Climate change and migratory movements.

Climate change and migratory movements.

How could we identify to what extent the effects of climate change are causing new migratory processes at an international level?

Our challenge

Recently, the impact of climate change on human migration has become a prominent topic of discussion. This issue is quite complex, requiring more detailed information, particularly regarding migrations driven by extractive practices such as mining and those prompted by slow-onset climate changes, such as gradually rising sea levels, which make certain areas uninhabitable over time. These migrations frequently exacerbate global inequalities, as the individuals who suffer the most are often not the ones responsible for the environmental problems. Our aim is not only to raise awareness about these forced migrations but also to develop a better understanding of and solutions for addressing them.

The Team

Profile photo
Teresa Sorde Marti
15 learners
Study format
Application period
29 July – 23 September 2024
Study period
3 October – 19 December 2024
Hosting university
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Action-Research Design

By the end of the course, the learner is trained on how to design and implement collaborative research with different stakeholders.


Prototype Design

By the end of the challenge, the learner is trained on how to translate ideas into specific, action-oriented proposals.


Autonomous Learning

By the end of the course, the student is trained on how to set their own learning goals and determine the resources and methods needed to achieve them.


Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Work

By the end of the course, the learner has had the experience of collaborating with students from different backgrounds and developing an interdisciplinary approach.


Interdisciplinary Approach to the Main Issues Surrounding Climate Change and Refugees

By the end of the course, the learner has gained theoretical and practical knowledge about right to asylum and climate change consequences.


Formulation of Local Policies

By the end of the course, the student has gained experience in formulating solutions for local policies about asylum.


Development of indicators

By the end of the challenge, the student will be able to apply the appropriate indicators to study migratory movements and their causes.


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As part of international migrations, according to UNHCR, in 2022, disasters caused a record 32.6 million displacements. Remarkably, 98% of these were triggered by climate-related hazards as documented by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre. 

In fact, 84% of refugees and asylum seekers in 2022 fled from countries highly vulnerable to climate change, marking a 61% increase compared to 2010. Most people forced to flee their homes move within their own countries, but international migrations are increasingly common. 

Currently, the right to asylum due to the effects of climate change is not yet recognized, unlike protection for those escaping war conflicts, as defined during the 1951 Geneva Convention.  This lack of recognition, coupled with the complex and multi-causal nature of migration reasons, makes it challenging to assess how much climate change is influencing new international migration trends and its role as a decisive factor. 

With this challenge, we aim to demonstrate/quantify the existence of forced displacements due to climate change, to provide consistency and contribute to the debate surrounding climate change migration.

Hosting university

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Challenge provider

Ecologists in action

Associated Partner

Fundació Autònoma Solidària