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Creativity and Artificial Intelligence

Creativity and Artificial Intelligence

Use your creativity to identify a challenge at the intersection of creativity and AI and act collaboratively on an interdisciplinary solution
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Our challenge

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can now write poems, produce artworks, draft business plans, play strategy games like chess or Go (and often better than humans), and solve scientific problems. For that reason, society is confronted with complex questions such as: Can AI be creative? To what extent does AI impact human creativity? What is creativity in the first place and how does it work? AI affords unforeseen creative possibilities. At the same time, AI raises multifaceted sociotechnical questions, ranging from human-machine interaction harms to mass unemployment and a new human self-understanding. Both exploring the potential of AI-powered creativity and finding solutions to the risks it generates requires experimentation and outside-the-box thinking. The seminar enables the participating students to use their collective creativity to identify a challenge at the intersection of creativity and AI and to collaboratively develop an innovative, interdisciplinary solution. The challenge provides a unique learning environment that empowers the participants to acquire not only a theoretical understanding of, but also practical competencies concerning, AI-driven creativity. Moreover, by interacting with a diverse set of external stakeholders, the students gain insights into different domains and industries.

The Team

Profile photo
Jonas Bozenhard
7 learners
Study format
Application period
26 February – 27 March 2024
Study period
15 April – 24 June 2024
Hosting university
Hamburg University of Technology
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Think holistically about creative processes

By the end of the Challenge learners will be able to bridge the gap between theory and practice by applying learned innovation methods to real-world challenges, thereby gaining a practical understanding of the concepts. Additionally, students will develop skills in analysing and synthesising scientific research related to creativity, leading to a broader and deeper understanding of the field.


Possibilities and limits of AI

By the end of the Challenge learners will gain an understanding of key possibilities and limits of AI and its impact on human creativity.


Soft skills relating to interdisciplinary and international collaboration

By the end of the Challenge learners will cultivate soft skills relating to interdisciplinary and international collaboration, critical thinking, communication, ideation, and collective creativity.


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In the face of the current AI revolution, Nobel laureate Christopher Pissarides recently cautioned against blindly studying STEM subjects and emphasised the need to foster creativity skills which he considers increasingly valuable in the workplace of tomorrow. Pointing in a similar direction, the World Economic Forum identifies creative thinking and AI as two essential future skills. This ECIU Challenge creates a learning context in which students in STEM and other areas of study can train these two skills. In order to develop a relevant and sustainable solution to a challenge revolving around creativity in the era of AI, it is necessary to combine insights from different domains and disciplines. The course provides an environment in which the students bring their different disciplinary backgrounds and skills to the table to collaboratively work on such a solution.

At the end of the seminar, a student delegation will get the opportunity to present their results at an interdisciplinary conference at the University of Cambridge.

Hosting university

Hamburg University of Technology

Hamburg University of Technology