As each challenge has its own specificities, the course develops its content organically, and different teams might be exposed to different pieces of content. Common topics nonetheless include business analysis methodologies (e.g., SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, scenario back-casting, …), business research methods basics (e.g., inductive research design, designing broad semi-structured interviews, designing surveys, …), use of data banks (e.g., Statista, Our World In Data, World Bank, Eurostat, …), and more.
Suitable topics for business challenges might include market / business environment analysis (main forces affecting the business, suppliers, partners, competition, environmental issues), sustainability and social issues, business modelling, go-to-market strategies, and more.
All challenges are sourced either from the EIT Digital Innovation Action Lines (within Activities, Partners / Business Community projects) or are collected by the course’s teachers in the university ecosystem.