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Making Sense of Survey Data​

Making Sense of Survey Data​

Finding open access survey data and understanding survey results
Open for application


Surveys play an important role as a valuable tool in many fields such as education, marketing, public policy, media studies and else. Micromodule “Making sense of survey data” will introduce open access databases for finding survey data and will provide you with the competencies to understand and interpret survey results. Micromodule is aimed at wide audiences of students and professionals who want to use survey data in their study projects, informed decision making or other analytical work.

The Team

Aistė Balžekienė
0 learners
Study format
Application period
23 December 2024 – 23 February 2025
Study period
1 May – 10 June 2025
Hosting university
Kaunas University of Technology
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Practical skills with open access survey data bases

Student will be able to use open access data bases for finding and retrieving survey data.


Analytical skills for evaluation of the quality of surveys

Student will be able to critically evaluate the quality of surveys and data reporting.


Potential progress

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During last decade there has been a strong development towards the open data from surveys, promoted by Research data alliance (RDA), Open Data Charter and other initiatives. Opening survey data for public use allows transparency, accessibility and comparability of the data. The survey programs, funded by national and international research projects open up their data archives for public use.

In this micromodule you will obtain following skills and competencies finding survey data; understanding representativeness, using open access data bases, identifying main survey elements, evaluating margins of errors.

During the micromodule, you will have hands on experience with such open access survey data as European Social Survey and World Value survey.

This micromodule also will introduce and use the resources from global research organisations such as Gallup Polls and PEW research centre. These open access data bases and resources will provide the solid starting point for the self-directed research or analytical work with survey data for the learners of micromodule.

At the end of the micromodule you will be able:

  1. to use open access data bases for finding and retrieving survey data;
  2. to critically evaluate the quality of surveys and data reporting.

Hosting university

Kaunas University of Technology

Kaunas University of Technology