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Cognitive Neuroscience​

Cognitive Neuroscience​

Cognitive neuroscience provides a window on how the structure of the mind through behavioural experiments processes occur
Closed for application


Cognitive neuroscience is a field of study focusing on the neural substrates of mental processes. It is at the intersection of psychology and neuroscience, but also overlaps with physiological psychology, cognitive psychology, and neuropsychology. It combines the theories of cognitive psychology and computational modelling with experimental data about the brain. Research in cognitive neuroscience can help form a deeper understanding of critical thinking processes and how to foster them in an organization. Understanding how the brain works can be applied to develop innovative strategies and promote creativity and innovation. Brain research can be used to understand how people respond to risk, and this can be useful in the strategic decision-making process. Cognitive neuroscience can help understand how people generate new ideas and solutions and how creativity and innovative thinking are fostered. This can be useful for driving innovation and improving business performance. Cognitive neuroscience can help improve productivity and concentration by helping understand how people perceive their environment and how they focus on certain things. This can be useful both in the workplace and in everyday life.

The Team

Laura Daniusevičiūtė-Brazaitė
18 learners
Study format
Application period
23 December 2024 – 23 February 2025
Study period
17 March – 19 May 2025
Hosting university
Kaunas University of Technology
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Understand concepts, rules, and procedures of cognitive neuroscience

Students will be able to define the working principles of the human brain structure and their influence on memorization, attracting attention and decision-making processes.


Understand memorization, attention, and decision-making process in uncertain scenarios

Students will be able to explain the intuitive and rational decision-making models, where the examples of confused by uncertainty, the framing effect and the endowment effect and the illusory value of procrastination would be discussed.


Understand the playing role of attention, motivation, and sensory adaptation

Students will be able to explore the major sensory systems (vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell) and how they contribute to perception.


State the learn strategies for fostering critical thinking

Students will be able to define the difference between natural and artificial concepts also it will help to describe problem solving strategies and the major processes of encoding.


Potential progress

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Ever wonder how your brain actually works? What exactly is going on inside of your small, wrinkly mass while you read this text?  Keeping muscles fit and powerful requires hard work. The same concept holds true for your brain, an amazing organ with the ability to change, adapt and get stronger. According to a new study by the researchers from University College in London, recent advances in generative AI help to explain how memories enable us to learn about the world, re-live old experiences and construct totally new experiences for imagination and planning. This message came from the understanding human cognitive neuroscience. As the cognitive neuroscience examines the biological processes that help us to understand complex mental functions such as memory, language, emotion, perception, attention, and consciousness. While psychology focuses on understanding the structure of the mind through behavioural experiments. The aim of the micromodule is to provide knowledge and develop abilities in the assessment of competencies using cognitive neuroscience techniques. At the end of the micromodule students will be able to understand concepts, rules, and procedures of cognitive neuroscience. The playing role of attention, motivation, and sensory adaptation in different kind of perception will be explained. By networking to understand memorization, attention, and decision-making process in uncertain scenarios. Also, be able to articulate strategies for fostering critical thinking and explain the relationship between critical thinking and innovation.

Hosting university

Kaunas University of Technology

Kaunas University of Technology