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Radiation and its Applications​

Radiation and its Applications​

The Power of Radiation: Innovations Shaping our Daily Life
Closed for application


The course provides an overview of radiation type, radiation impact on the environment and individuals, radiation protection and safety concept and application of radiation in the medical field. Learners will be introduced to radiation technologies and radiation assessment methods and will learn about possible risks.

The Team

Diana Adlienė
Jurgita Laurikaitienė
10 learners
Study format
Application period
8 January – 23 February 2025
Study period
17 March – 11 April 2025
Hosting university
Kaunas University of Technology
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Fundamentals of Radiation and Safety

Learners will broaden their knowledge of radiation, its types, and interaction mechanisms, radiation protection and safety concepts.


Exploring Radiation Applications in Medicine

Learners will be introduced to applications of radiation in the medical field, discovering radiation technologies.


Potential progress

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Do you know how radiation impacts your daily life?

Micromodule Radiation and its Applications will offer you a unique perspective to understand the main benefits and risks of ionizing radiation and will help to disclose radiation-related myths and facts.

This micromodule provides an overview of radiation types and their interaction mechanisms, discusses the impact of radiation on the environment and individuals, radiation protection and safety concepts, and introduces applications of radiation in the medical field.

You will enhance your understanding of radiation physics, discover radiation technologies and radiation assessment methods, learn how to evaluate radiation exposure and calculate related radiobiological risks.

Hosting university

Kaunas University of Technology

Kaunas University of Technology