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Creative Hearts and Digital Minds

Creative Hearts and Digital Minds

Media Literacy and building Resilience in a Digital World
Open for application


The micro-module aims to contribute to an understanding of how digital technologies and media shape us as individuals within specific social structures and through various media cultures. In a digital world, we are constantly challenged by the significant impact of digital technologies on our lives. We need to understand how different digital technologies and media shape our mindset and opinions, but we must also recognize the creative potential of digital tools. Working hands-on with digital technologies provides practical understanding and being a producer rather than a consumer fosters new ways of understanding both our society and our own mindsets.

The Team

Profile photo
Paolo Haaland Scarbocci
5 learners
Study format
Application period
13 February – 1 April 2025
Study period
5 May – 20 June 2025
Hosting university
University of Stavanger
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

General Competence

The student can: demonstrate critical judgment in the use of digital technologies; contribute to creating creative learning processes using digital technology; apply and develop a knowledge filter in response to new digital technologies and new digital media.



The student can apply creative digital skills to: create multimedia content in different genres; produce digital content using multimodal technology; facilitate exploratory learning independently and in collaboration with others by combining digital and analog tools through STEAM learning and algorithmic thinking; critically evaluate digital media content; assess the potential of digital technologies and new digital media for learning contexts.



The student has broad knowledge of: how digital challenges in a digital media reality can be addressed through digital literacy and media literacy; how digital technologies can foster creativity, engagement, and curiosity; how generative artificial intelligence is integrated into existing digital technologies and continually developed as language models; different ways new digital media technologies challenge democracy through disinformation and false information; digital judgment and how it can be developed.


Potential progress

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5 or more
Goal based on on your motivation scan

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The micro-module aims to contribute to an understanding of how digital technologies and media shape us as individuals within specific social structures and through various media cultures.

In a digital world, we are constantly challenged by the significant impact of digital technologies on our lives. We need to understand how different digital technologies and media shape our mindset and opinions, but we must also recognize the creative potential of digital tools.

Working hands-on with digital technologies provides practical understanding and being a producer rather than a consumer fosters new ways of understanding both our society and our own mindsets

Hosting university

University of Stavanger

University of Stavanger