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Dealing with discrimination in young groups

Dealing with discrimination in young groups

Providing tools to young citizens to identify discrimination

Our challenge

What do we mean by young people? How do we grow, learn, or train and what impact does society has on this whole process? If you are interested in broadening your knowledge about youth identities, this challenge is for you! Being young is a transitory stage, but not just because of age. This is a phase in which you are no longer totally dependent on your family but, at the same time, you are not fully independent. This is a crucial stage in which the personal identity and values are shaped. However, the current system gives rise to certain discriminations that prevent the development of some identities. Sexist, lgtbiphobic, racist and ableist violences are structural problems that manifest themselves in both the public and private spheres. If we focus on the public space, women, LGBTI people, racialized people or people with a disability are the ones who are more likely to suffer an attack, especially when they are young. This diminishes young people perception of security and affects well-being and daily development. The main objective of the challenge is to study how to make the young people of the city aware of discrimination, so that these can be identified by the Local Administration and, consequently, the effectiveness of the municipal public policies can be increased.

The Team

Profile photo
Begonya Saez Tajafuerce
14 learners
Study format
Application period
15 June – 9 October 2023
Study period
2 October – 20 December 2023
Hosting university
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Learning Outcome 1

Approach security from an interdisciplinary perspective


Learning Outcome 2

Identify the different types of existing violence.


Learning Outcome 3

Be able to work in a team under the same mission and with previously agreed values.


Learning Outcome 4

Knowing how to develop IT tools that have an impact on the most vulnerable groups.


Learning Outcome 5

Identify existing resources and their possible applicability in social relations.


Potential progress

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The city of Terrassa, like other European cities, embraces many different social groups. Such circumstance leads to a city with increased dynamism and cultural wealth. However, aspects such as ethnic and cultural origin, age, functional diversity, as well as sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic conditions are axes of vulnerabilitythat can lead to discrimination, and therefore inequality.

People's identity is partly constructed, but it is also determined by other factors such as age, gender, origin, ethnicity, or class. Such factors cannot be chosen or modified; hence people’s identity is conditioned by axes of inequality. It must be considered that people have multiple identities, formed by several layers that derive from social relations, history, and the intervention of power structures. We belong to more than one community at the same time and, we can experience oppression and privileges simultaneously. To deal with it, the City Council of Terrassa has been implementing intersectionality in public policies for years: a tool that allows to visualize, analyze, and intervene in situations of inequality using a complex approach, which considers that the axes of oppression do not act independently, but are interrelated. The challenge will be carried focusing on this methodology.

  • Achieving more agile and effective responses to situations of aggression or violence in public space.
  • Improve the perception of security in public space, especially for people susceptible to aggression for sexist, lgtbiphobic reasons, racists, ableists, etc.
  • Dissuade and prevent aggression for sexist, lgtbiphobic reasons, racists, ableists, etc. in the public space and collect and systematize information on discrimination in the city to be able to provide answers with a comprehensive approach.
Challenge Providers
  • Stakeholder: Terrassa City Council
  • Hosting University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Hosting university

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Challenge provider

Terrassa City Council