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Future-ready Young Citizens in the Smart City Era

Future-ready Young Citizens in the Smart City Era

Empowering the Next Generation for Innovation, Sustainability, and Connectivity
Open for application

Our challenge

Łódź, like many post-industrial cities, is grappling with significant challenges related to depopulation and the ongoing brain drain of its young, educated population. Many students acquire specialized skills here only to leave the city after graduation in search of better opportunities elsewhere. At the same time, the city is undertaking efforts to invest in digital technologies, recognizing that innovation is a key driver of sustainable urban development. This digital transformation aims to enhance the quality of life for residents, streamline services, and attract new investment. However, the process of digital transition comes with its own set of complexities and challenges. One of the primary questions then is whether the city is truly ready to redefine the experience of young citizens in the digital age. The critical challenge here is how a city like Łódź can design environments that resonate with young, digitally-savvy citizens, who are accustomed to high-tech, fast-paced lifestyles. This includes addressing the issue of whether these young residents will be willing to take full advantage of the digital opportunities that cities offer. Are they truly interested in engaging with civic technologies, or will they see them as impersonal, bureaucratic tools rather than a means of enriching their daily lives? The challenge also provides an opportunity to develop learners’ transversal skills and enhance their performance during presentations but also during the process of applying for a job. Cooperation, cocreation, pitching, peer learning and peer assessment, providing constructive feedback will play a pivotal role in this challenge aspect.

The Team

Piotr Korbel
0 learners
Study format
Application period
27 January – 15 March 2025
Study period
1 March – 31 May 2025
Hosting university
Lodz University of Technology
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Learning Outcome 1

In a group and a cross-disciplinary way develop and present a sustainable and value creating solution to a challenge


Learning Outcome 2

Communicate findings and solutions to audiences with different backgrounds and domain knowledge.


Learning Outcome 3

Reflect on team dynamics and processes with other individuals in order to collaborate in a cross-disciplinary way.


Potential progress

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5 or more
Goal based on on your motivation scan

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Are you ready to implement technological solutions and to design experiences that encourage young people to stay and become active participants in their cities? The objective of this challenge is to help create a city that is not just technologically advanced, but one that also feels like a vibrant, inclusive, and dynamic environment—one that appeals to young, creative, and ambitious minds. Ultimately, the goal is to conceive of innovative technological solutions and services that address specific civic problems while simultaneously empowering young citizens to become active digital participants in their city’s evolution.

The challenge will be broken down into parts based on the CBL cycle. Participants will work in teams to develop a solution and will be evaluated on the effectiveness of their solution, the quality of their design and implementation, and the level of innovation and creativity demonstrated in their approach. 

The challenge can be organized in collaboration with two organizations to provide participants with access to resources, expertise, and mentorship. Learners will also develop essential transversal competences to become more confident, convincing, and empathetic communicators able to ask follow-up and probing questions.The challenge providesthem with space to simulate various academic and professional situations, such as: interviews, surveys, presentations, pitches. Learning Environment – MS Teams and/or Moodle platform.

Hosting university

Lodz University of Technology

Lodz University of Technology

Challenge providers

Lodz City Hall
LIKI Mobile Solutions