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Swedish for Foreign Students - level A1

Swedish for Foreign Students - level A1

Beginner's module in Swedish


This is an online beginner’s Swedish module which includes pronunciation exercises, reading, oral training, basic Swedish grammar and short writing exercises. After having completed the module, you should have basic knowledge of Swedish A1 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for Languages.

The Team

Sofie Abrahamson
11 learners
Study format
Application period
15 May – 11 August 2024
Study period
19 August 2024 – 19 January 2025
7.5 ECTS
Hosting university
Linkoping University
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes


Conduct simple conversation, provided that the conversational partner speaks slowly and clearly, and is willing to help out.



Present herself/himself and others, and ask as well as answer questions relating to their own life such as where s/he lives, people s/he knows and things s/he owns.



Understand and use well-known, everyday expressions and very basic phrases, which all aim to meet concrete needs.


Potential progress

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Less than 5
5 or more
Goal based on on your motivation scan

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The aim of the course is to give students a basic knowledge of Swedish with an emphasis on oral skills. The course includes pronunciation exercises, oral training, basic Swedish grammar and short, writing exercises. Learn to understand and use well-known, everyday expressions and very basic phrases, which all aim to meet concrete needs. Practice to present yourself, ask as well as answer and conduct simple conversation.

Hosting university

Linkoping University

Linkoping University