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Communicating Innovation

Communicating Innovation

Closed for application


This course equips participants with the communication techniques and strategies employed by entrepreneurs, innovators, and game-changers when presenting innovative ideas. A fundamental challenge faced at various stages of business development is conveying effectively the value of business ideas to stakeholders, customers, and investors through both oral and written communication. In this short course students will explore startup jargon concepts and techniques as they create a comprehensive communication strategy for an innovation project.

The Team

Alessandro Rossi
1 learners
Study format
Application period
19 December 2024 – 28 January 2025
Study period
17 February – 30 May 2025
Hosting university
University of Trento
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Communication Strategy




Potential progress

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5 or more
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“If you can’t describe your business model in ten words or fewer, you don’t have a business model.” – Guy Kawasaki

“Whatever it is, every idea you present must be something you could get across easily at a cocktail party with strangers. If only aficionados of your industry can understand what you're saying, you've blown it.” – Jack Welch

“You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere.”–  Lee Iacocca

Hosting university

University of Trento

University of Trento