The challenge aims to find sustainability and green economy solutions using the technology of photobioreactors (PBRs). The students will try to solve the challenge by using techniques drawn from future studies.
Since PBRs are versatile technologies, learners will go through two divergent phases: on the first, learners will decide what field of application (commercial sector, or segment of industry) they want to explore for PBRs; on the second, learners will use scenarios to explore how their chosen application field could evolve in a medium-term future. In practice, the scenarios that students produce will be descriptions of hypothetical worlds where PBRs have different roles and prominences in the respective fields of application. Once learners decide on a scenario, they will close the challenge by proposing a concept for a product that ALOS could develop within that scenario.
The students will learn to assess the potential of a technology critically, and use tools of thought to experience a less classic way of doing entrepreneurship in the field of Innovation and Technology, orienting it to responsible innovation and sustainability.