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Global Sustainability Challenges

Global Sustainability Challenges

Using planetary boundaries to understand climate change


As the environmental challenges the world is facing are growing more and more complex, a better understanding of their causes and effects is crucial. This micro-module will introduce the concept of planetary boundaries, highlight its links with sustainable development and help you gain a new perspective on the relations, synergies and conflicts within sustainability.

Study format
Application period
14 June – 1 September 2024
Study period
9 September – 4 October 2024
Hosting university
Linkoping University
Got questions?Reach out to us via this 

Learning outcomes

Understanding global environmental problems

Describe and analyse global environmental problems and biogeochemical processes in relation to the social, ecological and economic dimensions of sustainable development.


Drawing connections between core concepts

Identify planetary boundaries and discuss their relationship to sustainable development.


Application of scientific perspectives

Apply and compare scientific perspectives to discuss complex relationships, synergies and goal conflicts in sustainable development.


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Climate change is the biggest challenge of our time. To solve the climate challenges we face, we must first understand something about the complex relationship between the natural, social and political systems that drive climate change. This micro-module introduces concepts such as sustainable development, environmental issues and planetary boundaries to open the door for students to examine those systems and understand how they affect each other. The micro-module thus, deals with the causes and effects of global environmental problems, and discusses the social, political and economic conditions at play within the planetary boundaries.  

During the micro-module, students will develop their understanding of these phenomena through lectures, online laboratory activities, workshops, seminars and group work.

Hosting university

Linkoping University

Linkoping University