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Solutions to global sustainability challenges

Solutions to global sustainability challenges

understand solutions to complex sustainability challenges through an interdisciplinary perspective
Closed for application


What is anaerobic digestion and how it is connected to the UN´s Sustainable Development Goals? This micro-module will show you how technical and social sciences knowledge can be integrated into a lab environment to produce novel interdisciplinary solutions to complex sustainability challenges.

Study format
Application period
14 June – 22 September 2024
Study period
30 September – 8 November 2024
Hosting university
Linkoping University
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Learning outcomes

Understanding solutions to global environmental problems

Describe and analyse different solutions to global environmental problems in relation to ecological, economic and social dimensions of sustainable development.


Application of scientific perspectives

Describe the UNs Sustainable Development Goals and apply and compare different scientific perspectives on the complex relationships between them.


Anaerobic digestion

Apply methods to analyse how anaerobic digestion can be used to manage organic waste in order to promote the sustainability goals of good health, food security, improved climate, clean energy and circular economy.


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A number of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) concern environmental and climate aspects. The micro-module provides students with background knowledge about the SDGs. The micro-module deals with strategies for dealing with complex global environmental and sustainability problems. Particular focus is placed on technical solutions that are explored in laboratory experiments. In the laboratory exercises, we study how anaerobic digestion can be used to purify organic waste from environmental toxins and produce useful resources such as biogas and fertilizers. Analysing solutions to complex sustainability challenges often requires interdisciplinary expertise. The chemical, biological and physical perspectives applied in the lab environment are therefore integrated with technical and social science knowledge of environmental issues. In this way, the micro-module integrates perspectives from different scientific disciplines in the analysis of complex relationships between the SDGs to identify synergies and avoid goal conflicts.

Hosting university

Linkoping University

Linkoping University